Whether you turn
to the right
or to the left,
your ears will hear
a voice behind you, saying,
“This is the way;
walk in it.”
(Isaiah 30:21 NIV)
a wild dream
​It took me nearly eight years to walk, process, and capture the exodus journey that culminated in GONE for GOOD. Since then, a dream has started to bubble up in me...that others who've also navigated a hard road in life—often seemingly alone—might find understanding, encouragement, rest, and redemption, together in community.
I feel so drawn to the Exodus story because what happened
to me and for me can happen to and for others.
What if we could come to a place of acceptance (and maybe even excitement), consider our purpose and gifting, trace the miles we've covered, get back to the business we were born for, and help others on the way—all under the grace of a good God?
​​My dream is to gather a story-sharing community where people view the whole of their lives—wounds,
wisdom, and wonder—through the lens of redemption and possibility.
It's about leaving that "trail of altars" in their wake to help others.
It's about finding steps in the sand and light for the path.
I invite you to travel with the rest of us midlife sojourners as we walk with purpose into the good land that was promised to us.
If you've got a story to share, email me to join this community. With online classes to small group facilitation to one-on-one intensives, you'll have all the guidance you need
to navigate your exodus.
starting the journey
Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.
As they pass through the Valley of Baka (the Valley of Tears), they make it a place of springs. —Psalm 84:5-6 NIV
As we study our stories and see Him throughout—especially in the most bruising of times—we understand better who God is, and our relationship with Him.
And as we understand Him better, we see His mercy coursing through our lives to understand ourselves and others better.
And then, by sharing our stories and stepping into our missions, we become more wise, compassionate, purposeful, and
faith-filled...and invite others to do the same.
Success is limited in its ability to grow you. If you look back on your life, wouldn't you say this is true? Because pain does something, trials do something... They either make you really obsessed with your problems or they make you really helpful for other people's.
—Pastor and Author Megan Fate Marshman